


Our goal is to maximize your past post-secondary academic record by carefully evaluating credit and applying it to Polk State College equivalent courses or using it for electives in programs where electives apply.




  • If you apply and submit official transcripts no later than six weeks before the term starts, your credits will most likely be evaluated and entered into Polk State’s student record system before the registration period for the term is over.
  • Apply  for admission and submit official transcripts six weeks before the posted open registration date, 如果你想要你的学分及时评估,尽早注册.Order a transcript from every post-secondary institution, college, or university you attended. 的 accreditation or type of post-secondary institution does not matter.  See below for specific information about accreditation and how it affects your transfer credit.


What is the process to evaluate my transcripts from previous institutions?


  • Stage One – 的 initial evaluation is entering all transfer work onto your 爱游戏电子竞技 record. Takes approximately one week from receipt of your previous institution’s transcript. 有些课程可以自动映射.
  • Stage Two – Mapping your transfer work to Polk State courses and degrees. Takes approximately six weeks from the initial evaluation of your previous institution’s transcript.

如果您想对评估提出质疑,请填写a 传输操作请求 form. You are required to provide a course description and/or a syllabus. Transfer Action requests are only reviewed six weeks after your transcripts have been received by Polk State. 在此之前,您的转移行动请求将被拒绝.



是的, 不论年龄或资格, we need copies of transcripts from all previously attended institutions.


I am transferring, but my transcripts won’t arrive in time for me to register. 我该怎么办??

Have an unofficial copy of your transcripts with you when you visit the advisor. It will help you register for appropriate classes without duplicating what you have already taken.


我如何知道我的成绩单是否已经收到或已经评估? 如果他们不在我该怎么办?

看看你的 护照 account often to watch for your transcript evaluations and contact us at registrar@波尔克.edu if:

  • You ordered a transcript more than 7 days from the date the transferring institution tells you it was sent, 它并没有显示出接收到的信息.
  • You contacted the transferring institution and both Polk and the transferring institution have:
    • 正确的SS#
    • 你的正确名字
    • 你正确的出生日期



 我欠了以前学校的学费,所以他们不会公布我的成绩单. 这对爱游戏电子竞技的我来说意味着什么?

你必须提交所有必需的成绩单才能进入爱游戏电子竞技.  You may attend one term while records are being sent and/or evaluated. But you won’t be able to register for subsequent terms without all required transcripts being submitted.  Remember without required transcripts you, also,  will not qualify for federal financial aid.  For more information on what to do or to petition for attendance, contact the Registrar at registrar@波尔克.edu.



Any graded work transferred in will count in the 爱游戏电子竞技 cumulative GPA. 适用爱游戏电子竞技的学术进步标准.



你必须在爱游戏电子竞技修完25%的学位课程. Bachelor students must additionally take 25% of upper-division courses at Polk State. 你可以转移所有符合要求的有效学分.


向您的发送机构订购成绩单, contact your former institution or visit its website to learn its procedure. Most state colleges and universities will send an electronic transcript. 有些院校会收取成绩单费.  我们纸质成绩单申请的邮寄地址是:

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我们的安全PDF成绩单的电子邮件地址是 transcripts@波尔克.edu.



  • We will not accept credits from schools that are not under a nationally approved accreditation body. 的 农谢先生 or U.S. 美国能源部 保存认可认可机构的名单. An easy way to know if your institution is accredited by an approved national accrediting body is that approved ones can distribute federal financial aid.  Schools with non-approved accrediting bodies cannot distribute federal financial aid.
  • If your institution has an approved accrediting body, then thoroughly complete the 信用评估工作表.
    •  必须100%完成.
    • 建议你为每门课提供一个描述或教学大纲.
    • You must be a matriculated student before we will process a worksheet. A matriculated student has attended at least one term past the drop deadline of the term and has a transcribed record from 爱游戏电子竞技.
    • You must make this request before the Drop deadline of your graduating term for credit transfer consideration.
  • Contact your transferring institution’s registrar for assistance with answers to the worksheet questions. 每个学生必须完成工作表.

NOTE: One student’s credit from a sending institution may be accepted but another’s not for the same course, depending on the factors on the worksheet for the section of the course you took.

联络成绩单服务网址: registrar@波尔克.edu 或者拨打863咨询中心.297.额外帮助1000美元.